A picturesque little farm. Soft hay beneath our feet. Yoga mats under our arms–and goats. For reals. My daughters and I recently took part in a farm-style yoga sesh. And along the way I learned a few things. Here’s how goat yoga can make you a better writer:
Goats are curious. Curiosity is good for your characters and story plots
Goats don’t care that you’re in the middle of some serious core strengthening. They see you on a mat offering up a solid plank and think, “What if?” Fiction writers ask this question (or should) all the time; it’s a way of offering surprise to readers. But I’m going to go out on a hay bale here and suggest that non-fiction writers need to find a way to surprise their readers, too. Goat yoga taught me (or, reminded me, actually) to write with the sort of curiosity that keeps stories moving and readers reading.
Goats are agents of hilarity. Lightening up helps the writer — and the writing
Deadlines can make me a grouch. I wrote my last book in record time, which required hours upon hours of sitting in a chair. Like writers, yoga aficionados tend to be a serious lot. But—let’s be honest—some of those poses we put ourselves in are hilarious. Add a runaway goat or two and you’ll find yourself doing some gnarly ab work you hadn’t considered before (aka belly laughs). I love to write, but I love being alive more. They say that laughter is the best medicine, so untangle yourself occasionally from that pretzel pose you’re in while writing your masterpiece. Both you—and your work—will benefit.
Goats love people. Expand your world; expand your writing
We were a diverse group on that Saturday at the farm and I’m richer because of it. I cracked up listening to a 50-something woman recording her experience on her phone, complete with her own hushed yet high-pitched commentary. I chatted with students of varying ages and ethnicities as we navigated the world of barnyard animals in our workout area. We giggled. We helped each other by offering space or taking each other’s photos. We didn’t talk about our differences. Instead, we focused on the goofy experience that brought us together: goats who never met a stranger.
Goats don’t wear diapers. So sometimes you get pooped on …
I’ve been in publishing long enough to have been pooped on by people who were supposed to protect my interests. I’m sure I’ve ruffled a few feathers (or fur coats?) of my own. None of us are perfect—or immune to the stink of daily business, so we’ve got to learn to shake it off (or wash it off as the case may be) and keep moving. Otherwise, we’re just wallowing in … well, you know.
Goats don’t stick to a routine. Even with a little distraction, you can still write a heckuva story
The day after our goat yoga class, my hamstrings and abs ached. True, I walked away from that class more relaxed and limber than when I had entered. But because I was fairly distracted by those bleating goats, I hadn’t expected to feel all-out pain the next day (the good kind that means you actually did something …). But I did. In my post about beating writer’s block, I talk about how changing things up can help your writing. Just didn’t realize how much it could help the glutes, too 😉
Goat yoga can make you a better writer … for reals
I’d been talking about checking out a class for months. As usual, though, life turned hectic with a looming book deadline. Then the demands of this blog grew. Plus, my daughters live and work an hour away. Can you relate to the time crunch? I’m thankful we made it happen because I learned new things about myself–and came away inspired to look with fresh eyes at the writing process we all face.
Not a ba-a-a-d day at all 😂
Hi Julie,
Great article! I never thought about goats being a motivator to being a better writer but hey, if it brings out the curiosity, creativity and hilarity, why not? Love it and thanks for a different way of looking at things. Sure does prove that if you open yourself up you can find inspiration anywhere!
Thanks for the comment, Dorian! You’re so right … there IS inspiration all over the place 🙂