Here’s a small and mighty list of the best books on writing. I believe–and so many writers agree!–that these books will help you succeed in:
- writing
- publishing
- and being motivated to do “1” and “2” again and again
Keep in mind, these books mainly emphasize fiction (because I can’t help myself … I love writing fiction!) But all will give you a great picture of the writing life.
Okay, here are some of the best books on writing:
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – Grab this one to get motivated. My copy is dog-eared. Anne’s rants about writing and life have made me laugh, cry, and have inspired me to keep writing. NYT Book Review calls it “hilarious, helpful and provocative.”
Buy it here —> Bird by Bird
Eat the Elephant by Jennifer Crosswhite – Jennifer is one of my editors and she offers GREAT advice in this book. As Jen says: “How do you write a novel? Just like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.” If you find writing stressful and overwhelming, Jennifer’s book will help you slow down, get started, and most important: finish!
Buy it here —> Eat the Elephant
Elements of Style by Strunk and White – The short go-to book for help on English grammar, style, and usage. If I had a nickel for every writing teacher who recommended this book to me, I’d be a gazillionaire :-). Small and lightweight enough to stash in a briefcase. Find it here —> Elements of Style
Plot Skeleton by Angela Hunt – I’ve written before about this method of taking a story down to its “bare bones.” I love this short book and reference it often. In fact, I never start a new novel without using Angie Hunt’s plot skeleton method. Super handy and helpful, especially in the beginning stages of our novel. A great gift for writers in your life too. Find it here —> Plot Skeleton (eBook) or Plot Skeleton (print)
Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell – A meatier book that can help you add layers to the “bones” of your novel. Jim offers techniques for creating strong beginnings, middles, and ends. Many authors, me included, find Bell’s help with the “muddy middle” especially valuable. Add this to your collection of best books on writing.
Buy it here —> Plot & Structure
Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maas – A comprehensive look at what makes a breakout novel by a New York book agent. Maas explains all the elements that breakout novels share, no matter the genre. This one is for those interested in learning how to write bestselling fiction and includes examples from popular novels. You’ll want to study this one (I’ve got plenty of notes in the margins on my copy). Find it here —> Writing the Breakout Novel
5,000 Words per Hour by Chris Fox – I thought this title was a joke, but I like a good laugh, so I picked this one up. Yikes! The ideas inside this book are fairly basic, but Fox presents them in a way that made me try to lay down 5K words per hour. I haven’t yet, BUT, using his simple techniques I have retrained myself to write much, much faster. Worth it for both the techniques and inspiration!
Buy it here —> 5,000 Words per Hour
Please bookmark this post or PIN it, because as time goes on, I’ll update this list of best books for writers with additional worthy offerings. Then, you’ll have it handy for yourself or gifts for writers!
Oh and promise me that you’ll actually read them. Most of these books for writers are short enough that they will motivate you without becoming a time suck!
Happy writing, my friends!
Great books! I recommend many of those over and over again!
I love that we’re on the same “page,” Jennifer! 😉